
About Library

Student Centric learning methodology helps the students to learn on their own. The students are told to read the subject before it is taught. The learning will be complete as this ensures high level of class room participation. The students make use of the library for  preparations for technical paper presentations. assignments, mini & major Project along with academics. ICT is very useful for making the best use of learning resources available like NDL,  NPTEL,MIT opex courseware etc. 

The library facilities are given here under:

The Central Library of KGRCET came into existence in the year 2008 with 6161 volumes with an investment in books Rs.1828972.50  /-.The central Library grew in leaps and bounds by expanding its operations multifold. Presently the total collection of books are 25,705 with 3,189 titles taking the investment to 90 lakhs and above. The Central library is housed in a spacious block of ground and first floor with a plinth area of 694.98 sqmts.

It is capable of accommodating 150 users at any given point of time .The digital library  set up in an exclusive allocated area of 200 Sq.ft with 30 systems  installed. The Central library functions from 8 am  to 6 pm on all working days.

The institution has centralized library. The library continues to provide the following awareness services in order to alert users to latest information of their interest.

  • list of new entries/arrivals
  • useful articles
  • news items

The catalogues form different publishers are available. Heads of departments can order for books from these catalogues. The range of subjects represented  by the library collection reflects our institution’s ever growing zest for newer areas of study and research.

Features :

  • Library space and ambience, timings and usage.
  • Availability of a qualified Librarian and other staff.
  •  Fully automated library.
  •  Online access through networking.
  • Computerization for search indexing.
  • Issue returns through Bar-coding books etc..

Automated Gate register started in the year 1st June 2020.


Provide advice, support, and liaison for the faculty, the individual departments, and the Librarian on matters of the role of the Library in academic learning, budgeting, collection development, bibliographic instruction and automation, circulation, and reference services. Academic departments have responsibility for the quality of their collections.

The major functions of the Library Committee:

  • To propose library vision, strategy document
  • To formulate various policies related to library like, purchase, space etc.
  • To propose library budget for the Institutes and department
  • To propose library activities, programmers and services
  • To propose library and information literacy in the institute
  • Online journal software awareness and for faculty publications and institutional publications.
  • Implementing Library policies – Library Material Purchase Policy, Book Bank Policy, Electronic Resource Access Policy.
  • To provide for proper documentation services and updating the Library collection.
  • To work towards modernization and improvement of Library and documentation Services
  • To formulate policies and procedures for efficient use of Library resources.
  • To review Library readership dept-wise.
  • To adopt measures to enhance readership
  • To seek feedback on Library functions from readers.
  • To submit the annual report on the functioning of the library
S No  Name of the Member Position Department Signature
1 Dr. S. Sai Satyanarayana Reddy Chair Person Principal
2 Mr. Lateef Convener Library
3 Dr. B.Vandana CO- Convener ECE
4 Mr.A.Suresh Member MBA
5 Mrs. Zareena Zameer Member H&S
6 Mr.B. Sai Teja Treasurer – Student Council CSE
7 Mr.K.Manish Photography Secretary-  Student Council CSE- DS

Mr. Mohd Latheef
Designation : Librarian
Qualification : M.COM, MLISc
Email ID :
Mobile : 9848522710

Ms. G Romi Reddy
Designation :Asst. Librarian
Qualification:M.Sc., MLISc

Library Memberships & Guidelines


  • A book will be issued to the borrower against production of library card issued by library.
  • Library borrower card is not transferable
  • Member should not borrow defective / damaged books.  while returning such a book member will be held responsible and charged as per the rules mentioned below
  • The Member (students) should produce his/her library card for borrowing books , failing which the library staff can refuse to issue books to him/her.
  • The borrower card of a student will remain valid for the period mentioned on the borrower card.
  • All members should obtain a ‘No Due’ certificate for issuing of original certificates  for other purpose after surrendering the library borrower card also paying any dues outstanding against them, if any
  • All members should return the books borrowed from the library before they proceed on a long period of leave and obtain a ‘ No Due ‘ certificate from the library.

Number of books and Loan Period

Category Number of Books Loan Period
  • An over due charge of Rs. 1.00 per day per volume will be collected for returning the books after the due date borrowed by them.
  • The Loan period may be shortened by the librarian if the books are on special demand.
  • Books given for loan may be renewed for a further period provided no other reader has reserved the same.
  • A member can reserve a book which is on loan, by filling a prescribed form available at circulation section.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall any books from any member at any time.
All regular teaching staff 4 One Semester
Technical and supportive staff and others 2 14 days
Guest faculty 2 1 week
Post-Graduate students 2 10days
B Tech. students 2 10 days
Book Bank scheme  










Reference Books,  Serial Publications,  Reserve Books

 Thesis & Dissertations,  CDs/DVDs

  Loose issues and bound volumes of periodicals.

Loss of Borrower Identity Card & Books  

  • The Members are responsible for Library borrower card.  Loss of Library borrower card should be reported to the circulation section immediately. Duplicate Library borrower card will be issued on payment of Rs. 50/- after two weeks time from the date of application on verification
  • Loss of book by the borrower should be reported to the Circulation immediately to avoid fine. Further, borrower shall either replace the book or bear its cost.
  • If the replace is not done within 15 days, the defaulter will be charged 3 times the cost of the book, if the book is in print, or 4 times the cost of the book, if the book is out of print.
  • If the book of a multi volume set is damaged or lost the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay 4 times the cost of the same.

Internet facility

  • Internet facility is open for the registered users of the Library only. No outsider will be allowed to use this facility.
  • Users should produce the Library Identity Card at Information Desk (circulation Counter) and collect the same after browsing.
  • Users are advised to make use of this facility only to support their academic and research activities.
  • Requested to make way to the others to use the facility.
  • Users should enter the name and other details in the register before browsing the Internet. Maximum time for browsing is restricted to 5-10minutes only.
  • It is our collective responsibility, as far as the safety of the systems is concerned. Please bring to the notice of the Librarian any misuse of the systems.
  • The facility is available between 9.00 am to 4.00 pm on all working days.
  • Librarian reserves the right to stop extending this facility to a person found misusing, apart from initiating action as per the rules by the college Authorities.


  • Members shall observe silence in the reading halls
  • Don’t use cell phone in the Library
  • Members shall not engage in conversation in any part of the library so as to cause annoyance to any other reader
  • Members shall not smoke, eat, or spit in any part of the library
  • Members shall not write upon, damage or mark any book belonging to the library
  • Members shall not shelve books and periodicals as that disturb the prescribed order
  • Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian
  • The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the college
  • Members shall not bring personal belongings (including Books and other printed material)  and library books borrowed by them inside the library
  • Members leaving the library should stop at the exit so that the material borrowed or taken out of the library by them may be checked
  • Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library

The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner        

At a Glance

  • Huge Library complex with an area of 7480.7 sft. (Ground , I floors)
  • The ground floor accommodates Stack Area ,Book Circulation Section, Newspapers, Magazines and Reprography / Photocopy
  • The first floor hosts Back volumes, Project reports, P.G. books, Digital Library and books for competitive examinations etc.
  • Equipped with modern infrastructure, with a reading capacity for 120 users.
  • Collection above 25,705 volumes.
  • More than 4576+ Online E-Journals & 4500 E-books
  • More than 120 + Print Journals & Magazines
  • Automated Library powered by New Genlib Software.


  • Functional modules are completely web based. Uses Java Web Start™ Technology
  • Compatibility-Complies with international metadata and interoperability standards: MARC-21, MARC-XML, z39.50, SRU/W, OAI-PMH
  • Uses chiefly open source components
  • Scalable, manageable and efficient
  • OS independent – Windows and Linux flavours available
  • z39.50 Client for federated searching
  • Internationalized application (I18N)
  • Unicode 4.0 complaint
  • Easily extensible to support other languages
  • Data entry, storage, retrieval in any (Unicode 3.0) language
  • RFID integration
  • Networking – Hierarchical and Distributed networks
  • Automated email/instant messaging integrated into different functions of the software
  • Form letters are configurable and use XML-based OpenOffice templates
  • Extensive use of set up parameters enabling easy configuration of  the software to suit specific needs, e.g., in defining patron privileges
  • Supports multi-user and multiple security levels
  • Allows digital attachments to metadata
  • A Team of 03 professionally qualified and trained staff, aided by 1 support staff.


Abstract of Library Books & Journals


Course Number of titles available Number of volumes available Number of Journals available E- Journals
1 Civil 393 2878 06 Available
2 ME 472 3184 06 Available
3 ECE 655 4284 12 Available
4 CSE 519 4867 12 Available
5 H&S 547 6922 06 Available
Total 2586 22135 42
6 MBA 399 2493 12 Available
7 MTECH 204 1077 24 Available
Grand Total 3189 25705 78

National Journals Print: 60

International Journals Print:18

E-Books 5192

Bounded Volumes of Journals: 399


  • NDL,

There is a build in digital library in the central library with state- of -the -art systems connected to high end server with 10mbps high-speed internet concavity to the 30 nodes subscribed IEEE Digital library, J GATE PLUSE for Engineering &Technology, Video Lesions Available from IITS (NPTEL), AVIEW JNTUH

  • Digital Resources: ProvidesIP based access to the subscribed online e-Journal packages of various publishers.
    • Note : The Following Resources can be accessed from any Computer (with INTERNET) connected to the LAN from anywhere.


S.No Category Content
S.No Category Timing
1 Library Timings 08 : 00 AM to 06 : 00 PM
2 Circulation Section 09 : 00 AM to 06 : 00 PM
3 Book Returns 09 : 00 AM to 04 : 00 PM
4 Book Issues 10 : 00 AM to 05 : 00 PM
5 Reference Section 08 : 00 AM to 06 : 00 PM
S.No Category Downloads
1 Book Suggestion Form ClickHere
2 Membership Application ClickHere
3 Membership Application for Staff ClickHere


  • All Bonafide Students and Staff members of KGRCET are eligible for membership to avail the services of Central Library.
  • Application for membership should be made on the prescribed form which is available at the Library’s Circulation Section.
  • All the registered members are called the users of Library.
  • The Library is primarily for the use of Faculty, Students, and Non-Teaching employees of the Institute.
  • On special request, outsiders (Students, Faculty, Research scholars of other Colleges) are also permitted for a shorter period for research with written permission from the Principal on the basis of a letter from the concerned Department / Institute.
  • The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to KGRCET Staff & Students only.
  • An overdue charge is payable for returning books/Materials after the due date.

Online Public Access Catalogue – OPAC

Please find the link here : Click here

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