Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

About Department

Department is established in 2009-10, the Mechanical Engineering Department is continuously striving towards excellence. With state-of-art laboratories and highly experienced faculties in the department has been implementing an active blended course structure thereby preparing the students to be industry ready. Engineering masterpieces of future will require mechanical engineers to reach beyond the traditional knowledge of the field. The department of mechanical engineering offers an undergraduate program Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) with an intake of 60 seats that will provide a solid foundation for careers in industry, research and academia.

Dr. L. Jayahari, Professor and Head of the Department.  He has 17+ years of teaching experience. Graduated from GRIET affiliated to JNTU University in Mechanical Engineering. He Pursued his Masters from Blekinge Institute of Technology(BTH), Karlskrona, SWEDEN with specialization “Structural Mechanics”. He has a doctorate in Philosophy from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad with specialization in sheet metal forming. His research work was carried out at GRIET and BITS Pilani, Hyderabad in warm formation.

Curriculum : 

Mechanical engineering is a versatile curriculum that has an impact on everyone’s life in some way. We have a team of members, the Board of Studies team, who design and update our curriculum. The curriculum teaches future engineers how to design and build products using the principles of force, motion, and energy, thereby providing technical solutions to problems in various industries. B.Tech Mechanical engineering studies engineering concepts related to machine manufacturing, design, maintenance, and analysis. Mechanical engineering subjects include math, physics, engineering graphics, mechanics theory, machine drawing, computer graphics, etc. It will assist you in improving students’ skills in the manufacture, research, and design of equipment, aircraft, and other vehicles.

Holistic student Development :

We have a strong mentoring system where students are matched with mentors. Each mentor will guide their mentees on four parameters to bring about holistic development. These parameters are academics, professional development, placements, and co and extracurricular activities. The mentoring system supports student learning and engagement in both academic and extracurricular activities. The department supports clubs both at the institute and department levels. These platforms help students explore their interests, collaborate on projects and stay updated on the latest trends. They also foster teamwork and leadership skills.

Professional Development :

The department, in association with the institute, has developed a transparent appraisal system that focuses on institute and faculty personal development. It focuses on academics, research, professional development, and service to the institution. Faculty will set their goals both in terms of personal and professional growth. The department provides research hours every week to work on their research interests. Faculty members are also incentivized with increments based on their achievements, such as publication of papers, filing of patents, contributions to book chapters etc.


The department ensures that we are aligned with industry needs through various initiatives. We have collaborations with the automotive industry, like Automated Tooling Systems Pvt. Ltd, Government technical tool room, Karnataka, H-Bots robotics, ESCI, IIIT H, GRIET, Samskriti Foundation, BVIC – NGO etc. These collaborations help students get internship opportunities in manufacturing, design and thermal specialisations. Also, students will visit industries and they will learn about real-time problems to work on. We also have NGO MOUs that help students to work on social issues towards sustainable development.


The asset of the department is its Alumni. Department Alumni contributes their ideas and suggestion in framing curriculum with respect to industry advancements.

Message to Young Aspirants: 

There are lots of career pathways students can take to become successful engineers and there are multiple fields they can work in. Those pathways don’t have to be linear, making it possible to direct a career in the direction students want it to go. Successful engineering projects and careers don’t happen by chance. Therefore, define what you would like to be as an engineer in the medium and long term. In addition, regularly review your progress towards achieving your goals. Students should acquire new skills with enthusiasm while being on the constant lookout for new professional development opportunities. Problem-solving and collaboration are essential skills in just about every field of engineering. Work on developing these skills at each stage in your career.


  • To be recognized as a department, providing quality technical education and producing highly competent and skilled engineers   to suit the latest trends in modern industry and to act as a catalyst for sustainable development.


  • To impart quality education to the students and enhance their skills to make them globally competitive mechanical engineers.
  • To improve quality of teaching by implementing innovative teaching and learning 
  • To provide a collaborative environment that stimulates faculty and students to achieve their highest potential through Entrepreneurship, sustainable Development and Research.
Program Educational Objectives: 
PEO-1: Graduates will have successful career in the field of Mechanical Engineering to meet the demand of industry.
PEO-2: Graduates will be equally competent for higher education, innovations, research & development, entrepreneurship and professional development.
PEO-03: Graduates will have compatibility with engineering tools and technologies for deliberating solutions to various societal and interdisciplinary problems.
Program Outcomes:
PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Objective: 
PSO1: To prepare graduates with expertise knowledge in manufacturing technology to address social issues in line with sustainable development objectives.
PSO2: Ability to investigate, design, and model engineering solutions through 3D Printing technology.
PSO3: Ability to design, test, and produce automobiles fueled through renewable energy.PSO3: Ability to design, test, and produce automobiles fueled through renewable energy. 
Dr. Jai Hari Professor
Dr. L. Jayahari

Cell : +91 9866857903

Dr. L. Jayahari, Professor, Head of the Department.  He has 17+ years of teaching experience. Graduated from GRIET affiliated to JNTU University in Mechanical Engineering. He Pursued his Masters from Blekinge Institute of Technology(BTH), Karlskrona, SWEDEN with specialization “Structural Mechanics”. He has a doctorate in Philosophy from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad with specialization in sheet metal forming. His research work was carried out at GRIET and BITS Pilani, Hyderabad in warm formation. He has more than 21 research publications in international and national journals and conferences. He is an Organizing committee member of the annually conducted international Conference ICMPC(2012 to 2018). He also worked as Dean Student affairs, Dean Publicity and Alumni Affairs and as a member in Strategic development and sustainability at GRIET. Dr.Jayahari attended 27th international Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Keauhou Bay, Hawaii, USA, January 3-9, 2016. Under his leadership he has successfully NBA accreditation for three Programmes (MTech(DFM), MTech(TE) and B.Tech) in Mechanical Engineering department

Dr. Jai Hari Professor
Dr. L. Jayahari
HoD & Professor
DR S Venu Kumar
Dr. S Venu Kumar
Associate Professor
Dr. Baloji Mech
Dr. D Baloji
Associate Professor
Mrs. Uday Sri Mechanical
Dr. Uday Sri
Associate Professor
A. Seshappa
Mr. A. Seshappa
Assistant Professor
Kalpana MEch
Ms. Kalpana Kilaru
Assistant Professor
Praveen Kumar Mech
Mr. K. Praveen Kumar
Assistant Professor
Papi Reddy Mech
Mr. Papi Reddy
Assistant Professor
Kondalarao Mech
Mr. P Kondala Rao
Assistant Professor
Satish Mech
Mr. Satish Singarapu
Assistant Professor
Mr. Somalla Suresh
Assistant Professor
Mr. CH. Sekhar
Mr. CH. Sekhar
Assistant Professor
Keerthi Reddy Mech
Ms. G Keerthi Reddy
Assistant Professor
Dheeraj Kumar
Mr. G Dheeraj Kumar
Assistant Professor
Anil Kumar Mech
Mr. K Anil
Assistant Professor
Mr. Bhonagiri Ramesh
Assistant Professor
S.No Name of the BOS


Designation Organization Position in BOS Contact Details
1 Dr. L Jayahari Professor, HOD & Dean R&D KGRCET Chairman 9866857903

The entire faculty of each specialization
2 Dr. D. Baloji Associate Professor,

Dept of Mech-Manfacturing

KGRCET Member 9505613159

3 Dr.Venu Kumar Associate Professor,

Dept of Mech-Design

KGRCET Member 9849124386

4 Dr. K Udaysree Associate Professor,

Dept of Mech-Thermal

KGRCET Member 9490116270

5 Mrs. K Kalpana Assistant Professor,

Dept of Mech

KGRCET Member 9441924247
6 Mr. S Sathish Assistant Professor,
Dept of Mech
KGRCET Member 9703828590
7 Mr. P Kondala Rao Assistant Professor,
Dept of Mech
KGRCET Member 9440959625

Two subject experts from outside the Parent University to be nominated by the Academic Council
8 Dr. Prasanth Kumar K Professor, Mechanical

& Aerospace Engineering

IIT, Hyderabad Nominated by                 Academic Council 8008089678
9 Dr.R Venkat Reddy Professor and HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering  Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad Nominated by                 Academic Council
One expert to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college Principal
10 Dr.P.Bhramara Professor of Mechanical Engineering JNTUH Nominated by Vice Chancellor 9848117630

One representative from industry/corporate sector/allied area relating to placement
11 Mr.TEC Vidyasagar Retired Mechanical                       Engineer Hyderabad Nominated by Principal 98492319
One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal/Chairman, Board of Studies
12 Mr. K Ganga Sagar Alumni (B.Tech) KGRCET Nominated by Principal/ HoD 8790800208

Faculty Achievements

S.No Name of the Faculty Title of Activity
1 Dr. Jaya Hari  Member of E3S Web of Conference ICMPC 2023.
2 Dr. Baloji  Member of E3S Web of Conference ICMPC 2023.

PhD Awarded:

  • Dr Udaya Sri awarded PhD Degree on “Condition Monitoring of VCR Engine for Performance, Omission, and Smoke by using Bio diesel and Hydrogen Gas” from JNTUK, Kakinada.
S. No Name of the Faculty Achievement category Achievement Title Achievement Year
1 Dr. Jayahari Lade (PI) Funding Project
1 st International Conference on multidisciplinary Research and Sustainable development (ICMED-2024) 2024
2 Dr.Baloji, Dr.Mukul, Mr.Mahesh Reddy, Mr.Suresh
Funding Project
DST, SEED, Govt. of India
Empowering ST Women folk by upgrading traditional banjara embroidery skill and improving livelihood of rural ST Community of Kamareddy district by standardizing mobile milk storage facility 2023
3 Dr.Mukul Srivastava(CO-PI)
DST Science and Technology Innovation (STI) Hub for the Socio-Economic Development of ST community in Kamareddy District, Telangana through Enhancement of Existing Livelihoods and Creation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities through the usingS&T combined with Local Traditional Knowledge 2023
4 Mrs. K. Kalpana (CO-PI) Funding Project
Enhancing livelihood of ST former community in bheelyanaikthada by development of post-harvest preservation Ecosystem for horticultural crops and flowers 2023
5 Mr. S Suresh (PI) Funding Project
(National Innovation Foundation)
Hand Lever Based Tapioca Plant Uprooter 2022
6 Mr. S Suresh (PI) Funding Project
(National Innovation Foundation)
Multi Tool Agricultural Implement 2022
7 Mr S. Suresh Patent No: 530139 A Modular Designed Multipurpose
Agricultural Implement
8 Mrs.Kalpana K Patent Design and Fabrication of Staircase Elevator with Lead screw mechanism For Elderly People in affordable cost IPR No. 202341047333
9 Mr. S Suresh Patent Design And Fabrication of Electrical Power Tiller for Agriculture Purpose IPR No. 202341047335
10 Dr. K Udaya Sri Patent Improved And Compact Design of Reaper and Binder for Agricultural Purpose IPR No. 202341047369
11 Dr. K Udaya Sri Patent Design and Simulation of Grim,Reaper and Binder
Semi Automatic Agricultural Machine.
12 Dr. K Udaya Sri Patent Automatic Classification and Artifacts Removal of EEG Signal Using Machine Learning 2023
13 Dr. K Udaya Sri Patent Development of Intelligent solar grass cutter using AI 2024
14 Dr. K Udaya Sri Patent Smart ROBOT for obstetrical detection and avoidance 2024
15 Dr. K. Udaya Sri Ph.D. Awarded Ph. D from JNTUK 2023
16 Dr. K. Udaya Sri Award Faculty Excellence by Ed &EmmiGo 2021
17 Dr. K. Udaya Sri Award National Level Webinar on a GUI way to learn Machine Learning:An inter disciplinary workshop for Researchers 2024
18 Dr. L. Jayahari Award Award in Education Sector by Edtech Summit 2024


S.No Name of the Faculty Title of the Paper Name of Journal/ Conference DOI
1 Dr L Jayahari A critical review of fabrication routes and their effects on mechanical properties SCIE Journal
2 Dr D Baloji Experimental And Finite Element Studies of Stretch Forming Process for AA2014 Alloy at Elevated Temperature E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
3 Dr D Baloji Tensile And Formability Studies on AISI310 Austenitic Stainless Steel E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
4 K Praveen Kumar Role of processing temperature on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of fine grained AZ31 magnesium alloy produced by groove pressing Materialwiss. Werkstofftech.
5 Mr S Sathish Off-policy rainforment based on safe model eco driving education for fully automated hybrid vehicles IEEE Conference
6 G.Keerthi Reddy Assesment of wear characteristics on treated AISI 410 stainless steels by Annealing process E3S Web of Conferences scopus
7 Dr L Jaya hari&
Dr D Baloji
Evolution and Characterization of Zirconium 702 alloy at various temperatures (SCI) Arch. Metall. Mater
8 Dr L Jayahari Experimental and Finite Element Studies of Stretch Forming Process of AA2014 Alloy at 323 to 623K Temperatures E3S Web of Conferences -scopus
9 K Praveen Kumar Experimental Formability and Finite Element Studies on AISI310 Austenitic Stainless Steel E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
10 Dr L Jayahari Evaluation of material properties of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) composite with graphite E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
11 K.Kalpana Design and Fabrication of staircase elevator with lead screw mechanism for elderly people E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
12 Peram Kondal Rao Fabrication and mechanical properties valuation of Natural fiber and filler-based hybrid polymer composites E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
13 Dr.S.Venu kumar A review on binder jetting additive manufacturing of Engineering materials E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
14 Sathish Singarapu Smart IoT based solar panel cleaning system E3S Web of Conferences- scopus
15 K.Udaya Sri An enhancement of energy utilization of hybrid solar panels in commercial building application using solar deep learning Taylor and Francis,Electric drive components and systems-July 2023 Under review


Mr. Mahesh R Reddy – Received National Award Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM Lifetime Achievement in Teaching, Academic in the year 2019 from “International Institute for Social and Economic Reforms”

Name of Faculty: Mr P kondala Rao
Achievements: Book Published


Faculty Name Course & Certificate
1. Mrs. Kalpana Design Practice
2. Mrs. Sravani Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes
3. Mrs. Sravani Principles of Casting technology
4. Mrs. Kalpana Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice


Research publications of the Faculty A.Y:  2023-24  

S.No Publications Scopus SCI Web of science Total
1 Journal 1 3 4
2 International Conferences 17 15 32
3 Books 1 1
4 Patents 4
5 Total 19 3 41


 A.Y:  2022-23   

S.No Publications Scopus SCI Web of science Total
1 Journal 6 6 12
2 International Conferences 2 2
3 Books 1
4 Patents 2
5 Total 8 6 17


 A.Y:  2021-22                                                                                                                                                   

S.No Publications Scopus SCI Web of science Total
1 Journal 5 5 5
2 International Conferences 2 2
3 Books 1 1
4 Patents 2
5 Total 7 5 10

Department of Mechanical Engineering

 Academic Year 2023-24

Department Development Committee (DDC) Composition

S. No Name of faculty Designation Position
1. Dr. L Jayahari Professor  Chairman
2. Mrs. K Kalpana Associate Professor Coordinator
3 Mrs. Udaya sri Associate Professor Member
4 Dr. Venu Kumar Associate Professor Member
5 Dr. Baloji Assistant Professor Member
6 Mr. S Sathish Assistant Professor Member
7 Mr. K Praveen Kumar Associate Professor Member
8 Mr. Kondal Rao Assistant Professor Member
9 Mrs. Keerthi Assistant Professor Member
10 Mr. Dheeraj Assistant Professor Member
12 Mr. Anil Assistant Professor Member


Project Review Committee(PRC)

S.No Name of faculty Designation Position
1. Dr. L. Jayahari HOD&Professor Chairman
2. Dr.D. Baloji AssociateProfessor PRC Coordinator
3. Mrs.K. Kalpana Assistantprofessor PRCMember
4. Dr. D. Venukumar Assistantprofessor PRCMember
5. Mrs.K. Udayasri AssociateProfessor PRCMember

Finance committee (FC)

S.No Name of the committee member  Designation  Position
1 Dr.L.Jayahari  HOD&Professor Chairman
2 Mr. G. Dheeraj kumar  AssociateProfessor Coordinator
3 Mrs.K.Kalpana Assistantprofessor Member
4 Mr.S.Satish  Assistantprofessor Member

Program Assessment Committee (PAC) Composition

S. No Name of faculty Designation Position
1. Dr. L Jayahari Professor  Chairman
2. Mr. S Sathish Assistant Professor Coordinator
3 Mrs. Udaya sri Associate Professor Module Coordinator
4 Dr. Venu Kumar Associate Professor Module Coordinator
5 Dr. Baloji Assistant Professor Module Coordinator
6 Mrs. Keerthi Assistant Professor Member

Board of Studies BOS) Composition

S. No Name of faculty Position
1 Dr. L. Jayahari Chairman (BOS)
2 Dr. P. Bhramara JNTUH Nominee
3 Dr. Prasanth Kumar R External Member
4 Dr. R. Venkat Reddy External Member
5 Mr. K. Ganga Sagar External Member
6 Mr. TEC Vidyasagar External Member
7 Dr. D. Baloji Internal Member
8 Mrs. Udaya Sri Internal Member
9 Mrs. K. Kalpana Internal Member
10 Mr. S Sathish Internal Member
11 Dr. S. Venukumar Internal Member
12 Mr. P. Kondala Rao Internal Member

The above board will frame the syllabus, Course Structure and other academic related matters

  • The above members of the Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering shall hold the office for a period of three (3) year with effect from the date of issue of this order.
  • The external members attending the meeting of the Board of Studies are eligible for T.A and D.A as per the rules of the institution in force.
  • The members are also requested to intimate this office in case of any change in their addresses and designations.

Engineering Workshop

Engineering Workshop 1
Engineering Workshop 2
Engineering Workshop 3

Production Technology Laboratory

Production Technology Laboratory
Engineering Workshop 2
Engineering Workshop 3

Material Science and Mechanics of Solids Laboratory

Material Science and Mechanics of Solids Laboratory
Material Science and Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 1
Material Science and Mechanics of Solids Laboratory 2

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines Laboratory

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines Laboratory
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines Laboratory
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machines Laboratory2

Instrumentation and Control Systems Laboratory

Instrumentation and Control Systems Laboratory
Instrumentation and Control Systems Laboratory

Kinematics & Dynamics Laboratory

Kinematics & Dynamics Laboratory
Kinematics & Dynamics Laboratory
Kinematics & Dynamics Laboratory

Thermal Engineering Laboratory

Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Thermal Engineering Laboratory
Thermal Engineering Laboratory

Metrology & Machine Tools Laboratory

Metrology & Machine Tools Laboratory
Metrology & Machine Tools Laboratory
Metrology & Machine Tools Laboratory

Heat Transfer Laboratory

Heat Transfer Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Heat Transfer Laboratory

CAD/ CAM Laboratory

CAD/ CAM Laboratory

Certificate Course

Enrolling in a certificate course at our mechanical engineering college can help further or begin student’s career. Taking less time than a traditional degree, a certificate course exposes students to college level coursework in a condensed amount of time. Students choose to get a certificate course as their interest in department. Mechanical engineering is the design and operation of machines. Within this type of engineering, parts are analyzed to create more efficient and safer systems for manufacturing.

Objective of Certificate Course

A certificate course can offer specialized classes in this field. Some courses that may be taken for this certificate could be computer applications, materials, modeling, production design, composites and mechanics. Sometimes there are further concentrations within a certificate course. Some possible specializations are robotics, computer-aided design, thermodynamics, and hydraulics or product design.

Scope of the Course

Once a certificate in mechanical engineering is awarded, different career options may open up. Additionally, certificate holders have a deeper understanding of the way machines and mechanical systems work. For those who have finished a certificate course in this type of engineering, job opportunities may be more abundant. One type of position that could be an option is robotics designer, which involves creating machines for automated processes. Additionally, careers in structural analysis, which has to do with analyzing systems failures, can be obtained with credentials in mechanical engineering. Other possible career paths are working in drafting, thermodynamics in energy or working in mechanics of various industries. Jobs in mechanical engineering are found primarily in the private manufacturing industry, but there are also opportunities in governmental agencies.

List of Certificate Courses

Course Name Duration of the Course No. of Students Attended No. of Students Appeared Examination No. of Students Passed Academic Year
Ansys 10-11-2023 to
42 42 42 2023-24
Auto CAD 07-11-2022 to
42 42 42 2022-23
16-05-2022 to
12 12 12 2021-22
Introduction to
Printing and Design
22-01-2022 to


9 9 9 2021-22
NEN – Wadhwani 09-11-2021 to
19 19 19 2021-22
Foundational Course in 3D Printing 26.02.2021 to
19 19 19 2020-21
Advanced Course in 3D Printing 19.06.2021 to
15 15 15 2020-21
CATIA V5 17-08-19 to
64 64 64 2019-20
CNC programming 04-02-19 to
64 64 64 2018-19
CREO software 25-09-18 to
78 78 78 2018-19
Hypermesh 06-08-18 to
53 53 53 2018-19
Solid Works 05-03-18 to
53 53 53 2017-18

Certificate Course

Name Course Duration of the Course No. of Students Attended No. of Students Appeared Examination No. of Students Passed Academic Year
Auto CAD

42 42 42 2022-2023

Value Added Course

This course encompasses a whole range of subjects like Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering, Designing, Power Plant Engineering, HVAC, Metrology and Quality Control, Production Engineering, Maintenance Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering. It finally opens up job prospects in design, production, manufacturing and maintenance.

Objective of Value-Added Course

The main objective of this course in Mechanical Engineering College for students can opt for higher advanced courses or may start working immediately. Though jobs are available for mechanical engineering graduates in various sectors, pursuing an advanced course opens avenues for better employment opportunities.

Scope of Value-Added Course

This course at this mechanical engineering college has several scopes for students as follows.

Pursuing Piping Engineering opens career opportunity in Chemical Industry, Merchant Navy, Petroleum Refinery sectors, Manufacturing firms, etc. All these sectors have great demand for Piping specialists.

After completing B.Tech course, job opportunities are primarily found in electronics industry, automobile, manufacturing, mining, transport, gas and oil, defense, robotics, aerospace and aviation, army, navy, air force, etc.

S.No Course Name Duration of the Course No. of Students Attended Academic Year
1 Co -CUBES TRAINING 05-07-22 to
12 2021-22
2 CAD CAM Fusion 360 16-05-2022 to
11 2021-22
3 Drafted methods using Autocad 19-08-19 to
50 2019-20
4 CATIA 08-01-19 to
78 2018-19
5 Auto Cad 16-07-18 to
64 2018-19
6 Ansys 08-01-18 to
59 2017-18
7 CAD/CAM 24-07-17 to
84 2017-18


Internship Details

Teaching and Learning Conclave

KGRCET Follows an outcome based approach faculties use innovative teaching methods to cater for the needs of OBE. As per the standard operating procedure all the faculty members implement 20% of their classes with student centric methods/innovative teaching methods. The implemented activities by the faculty in class room along with student reflections will be presented during monthly teaching learning conclave organized by CEED,  Faculty presentation critically reviewed and evaluated by external experts from different teaching learning centers across the world.

Project Based Assignments Introduction

Humans are able to do almost everything they want. We are able to move, communicate with each other and if something seems impossible for us, we try to make it possible. For example humans don’t have wings, so we can’t flutter with our arms or legs, but birds can – It simply isn’t in our nature. However, people found many ways to fly by building machines like airplanes and helicopters. If something seems out of our reach, it doesn’t mean that there is no way to find a solution.

II year and III year students used to work on assignment based on the problem statements given by the Guides and they will develop the designs and prototypes by using our center of excellence and Interdisciplinary center and which in turn helps the students to build their confidence in enhancing their skills in Design Thinking and product development  and also helps to build their own project in final year and also by using these skills  they in compute in National Hackthon and other symposium and from this department can engage the students by developing their career


Concept and Design

Department also practice the concept and design implementation for research projects and students involve with guides for working on the projects but initially we thought that it might be quite difficult to find a good solution in the consultancy and faces challenges for the year. We thought about many different concepts but in the end we found really impressive and good ones.

There were two outstanding NIF concepts which were continuously rethought, developed and tested. In the following pictures we have showed in detail. We design the concept by understanding the problem statement and we had to struggle with concepts and solved them in the end. 


Product Development Club-3D Printing

Department  having one more best practice is product development with 3D printing Club is initiated in 2020 association with Technolexis Private Limited. and here students involves with their ideas to build concepts on product development by using 3D Printing Machine and they used work hands on projects and finally they deliver to department and also they will participate and expose their products in many symposium ,workshops. Implementing our ideas of how the products should look like in the end isn’t easy at some points. You might think of a concept, which would work in theory, but could be impossible to substantiate with the given components. In the following picture are given detail about the hoe products can be executed with Machine by resource person.

3D Printing Club

3D Printing
3D printing 1
3D Printing
3D Printing

Technical Fest in IKARUS


Project Based Assessment (PBA)

Guest Lecture & Career Guidance

Guest Lecturer 1
Guest Lecturer 3
Guest Lecturer 4
Guest Lecturer 7
Guest Lecturer 8
Guest Lecturer 9

Industrial Visit

Industrial Visit


2022 – 2023 Placements list
SL.NO Roll number Name Branch Company Position Package
1 19QM1A0308 MOHAMMED GOUSE AHMED KHAN MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
2 20QM5A0306 KAMELEKAR SACHIN RAJ MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
3 19QM1A0302 BHOSLE MANOHAR MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
4 20QM5A0304 GANNOJU MANOJ KUMAR MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
5 18QM1A0315 METTURU DINESH KUMAR MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
6 19QM1A0304 RAGHUVAMSHI CHINTAKINDI MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
7 20QM5A0302 GOGIKAR DHEERAJ KUMAR MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
8 20QM5A0309 KETHAVATH GEMYA NAIK MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
9 20QM5A0307 KAMMARI SAI TEJA MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
10 20QM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
11 20QM5A0317 DAMODAR RAO MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
12 20QM540318 M A FURQAN MECH KUN Hyundai Service Advisor 3.2 LPA
13 20QM5A0314 M.RAHUL VARDHAN MECH Shreshta Infotech Solutions Web Data Analyst 3.2 LPA
14 20QM5A0304 GANNOJU MANOJ KUMAR MECH Bot Defence Infotech solutions Fusion360/Design trainee 5LPA
15 20QM5A0305 H.RAGHEVENDRA MECH Shreshta Infotech Solutions Web Data Analyst 3.2 LPA
16 20QM5A0317 DAMODAR RAO MECH Palle Technologies software developer 8 LPA
17 20QM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH Palle Technologies software developer 8 LPA
18 20QMM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH SPR Technologies Trainee Engineer 3. LPA
19 19QM1A0301 ASAMPRASHANTKUMAR Mech Vinex Innovations Technical Trainee assistant 4.5LPA
20 20QM5A0317 DAMODAR VAKAMULA Mech Vinex Innovations Technical Trainee assistant 4.5LPA
21 20QM5A0317 VAKAMULLA DAMODAR RAO MECH Surya Tech Solutions Trainee Engineer 3 LPA
22 20QM5A0305 HANUMANTH RAGHAVENDRA MECH Surya Tech Solutions Trainee Engineer 3 LPA
23 19QM1A0312 VINODKUMAR TANDI MECH Surya Tech Solutions Trainee Engineer 3 LPA
24 20QM5A0305 H RAGHAVENDRA MECH BYJU’S Business Development Associate 7 LPA
25 20QM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH KEKA Technologies Customer Success Manager 5.8LPA
26 20QM5A0317 VAKAMULLA DAMODAR RAO MECH KEKA Technologies Customer Success Manager 5.8LPA
27 18QM1A0315 M DINESH KUMAR MECH KEKA Technologies Customer Success Manager 5.8LPA
28 20QM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH Pentagon Space Pvt Ltd Developer 3 LPA
29 20QM5A0317 V. DAMODAR RAO MECH Aviotron Aerospace STEM trainers 3.6 LPA
30 20QM5A0314 MOTIKE RAHUL VARDHAN MECH Aviotron Aerospace STEM trainers 3.6 LPA
Sl.No. Roll No Name of the Student Name of the Company
1 17QM1A0334 V SRIKANTH CHARY Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
2 18H11A0302 IMTIAZ BAIG Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
3 18H11A0308 PATHAN TARIQ AHMED KHAN Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
4 18QM1A0303 C MAHESH Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
5 18QM1A0307 DURGA SURAJ DINGER Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
6 18QM1A0309 GADIBAI MAHENDER REDDY Innovus tech Solutions()18/01/2022
7 18QM1A0311 JAWED ALAM Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
8 18QM1A0313 MATTAPARTHI RAVI KUMAR Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
9 18QM1A0321 SUNANI SUSHIL CHANDAN Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
10 18QM1A0323 VUNDHYALA SHASHI VARDHAN REDDY Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
11 19QM5A0301 ALLI NARENDAR Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
12 19QM5A0302 APPALA SRIKANTH YADAV Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
13 19QM5A0304 BETHALA SAIKUMAR Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
14 19QM5A0305 CHEGURI SHIVAKUMAR GOUD Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
15 19QM5A0306 CHINTHALA MAHENDAR Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
16 19QM5A0308 GOUKAR SAI KIRAN Surya tech solutions(17/03/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
18 19QM5A0310 K. VAMSHI
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
25 19QM5A0318 MD RIYAZ
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Automated tooling systems(14/08/2022)
Sl.No. Roll No Name of the Student Name of the company
1 17H11A0302 BODA PRADEEP KUMAR Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
2 17QM1A0301 AZHER ALI Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
3 17QM1A0302 BAKKA VEERESH Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
4 17QM1A0303 CHALLA KIRAN REDDY Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
5 17QM1A0309 GOURAGARI CHEKRIDHAR REDDY Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
6 17QM1A0310 GUDIPUDI LAKSHMI KRISHNA SAI CHANDU Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
7 17QM1A0311 HEMANTH KUMAR K Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
8 17QM1A0313 HITESH SAHANI Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
9 17QM1A0323 MOTHE RAJA Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
10 17QM1A0324 NADUPALLE SAI GANESH Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
11 17QM1A0327 PUNNA SAI SACHIN Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
12 17QM1A0330 SHAIK ADIL Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
13 17QM1A0331 SYED ABDUL GHANI Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
14 17QM1A0332 SYED REHAN ALI Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
15 17QM1A0335 YARLAGADDA SHIVA SAI CHARAN Ramky Group(11/02/2021)
16 17QM1A0336 PANDULA VINAY Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
17 17QM5A0321 PATHURI MANOJ KUMAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
18 17QM5A0325 T VISHNU Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
19 18QM5A0302 B ASHOK KUMAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
20 18QM5A0303 BANDELA ABHILASH Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
21 18QM5A0304 BODA HARIKUMAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
22 18QM5A0307 DHARAMKAR AKSHAY Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
23 18QM5A0308 EERLA SAI KUMAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
24 18QM5A0309 G SRAVAN RAMESH Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
25 18QM5A0310 GADDAM LIKHITH Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
26 18QM5A0311 GIRI JAI KRISHNA Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
27 18QM5A0314 KANDRAPU SAIKUMAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
28 18QM5A0315 KOLUPULA VIKRAM Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
29 18QM5A0316 KUMMARI DAYAKAR Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
30 18QM5A0317 M NARESH Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
31 18QM5A0318 MALLEPULA SAI KIRAN Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
32 18QM5A0319 MANDADI AJAY GOUD Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
33 18QM5A0320 MANNE ABHILASH Surya Tech Solutions(20/03/2021)
34 18QM5A0321 MOHAMMED IMRAN Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
35 18QM5A0322 MUDAVATH VINOD Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
36 18QM5A0323 NEELI SRAVAN KUMAR Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
37 18QM5A0325 RACHURI PAVAN KALYAN Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
38 18QM5A0326 SHANKAPALLY SURYATEJA Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
39 18QM5A0327 VANKUDOTH HARSHAVARDHAN Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
40 18QM5A0328 Y CHAITANYA Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)
41 18QM5A0329 YAKARI ROHIT Congurex Asia Pacific LLP(18/04/2021)

Academic Details: 2022-23

Awareness Activity sessions on Entrepreneurship:

S.No Name of the Activity Date Drive Link
1 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship & Opportunities 23/08/22 to 23/08/2022
2 world Entrepreneur Day Celebration 22/08/22 to 22/08/22
3 Session on Accelerators/Incubation – Opportunities for Students & Faculties – Early Stage Entrepreneurs 14/08/2022 to 14/08/2022
4 Business Model Canvas 30/07/22 to 30/07/2022
5 Session on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Steps” 23/07/22 to 23/07/22
6 Ignition of Rural Entrepreneurship for Social Wellness 2/7/2022 to 2/7/2022
7 Monthly seminar series on Entrepreneurship 14/05/2022 to 14/05/2022
8 Monthly seminar series on Entrepreneurship 14/05/2022 to 14/05/2022

Academic Details: 2021-22

Awareness Activity sessions on Entrepreneurship:


S.No Name of the Activity Date Drive Link
1 Demo Day/Exhibition/Poster Presentation of Start-ups developed & linkage with Innovation Ambassadors for mentorship support. 17/08/22 to 17/08/22–oohchlyyTFUh-L/view?usp=share_link
2 Developing Online Repository of Start-ups Developed/incubated and Way forward plan 17/08/22 to 17/08/22
3 Monthly seminar series on Entrepreneurship – Hanorary and motherly Profession 23/10/2021 to 23/10/2021
4 Monthly seminar series on Entrepreneurship – New waste Management 13/11/2021 to 13/11/2021
5 Demo Day Exhibition Poster Presentation of Start-ups-Wadhwani Foundation Course 25/10/2021 to 15/02/2022

Contact Info

Dr. Jai Hari Professor
Dr. L. Jayahari

Cell : +91 9866857903

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